A degree in Sculpture
"It Only Took Your Hat," Matthew Baral, MFA 2023.
Explore the transdisciplinary nature of sculpture today while gaining a solid foundation in traditional techniques and practices
The BFA in art with a concentration in sculpture recognizes the broad, transdisciplinary nature of sculpture today. A wide range of media now falls within an expanded definition of sculpture. Coursework covers public and site-specific sculpture, foundry, interactive and electronic sculpture, neon, small metals, wood, textile and video and sound installation. Students learn to put today's creations in the context of the history of sculpture and the larger field of contemporary art. A wide range of specialized facilities and equipment enable learning and production. An emphasis is placed on material investigations and conceptual development. Faculty provide students professional mentorship on opportunities such as assistantships, internships, scholarships, residencies and exhibitions. Students also have the opportunity to engage with visiting artists, curators and critics, further informing their professional studio practice.
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Program coordinator
Valley outreach
The work of sculpture students is shown frequently at community, national and international venues. These include The Ice House, First Avenue Gallery, the Eye Lounge, 1505 Gallery, Monorchid Gallery, the Tempe Library, Wet Paint Art Gallery and Rezurrection Gallery.
Sculpture students have taken advantage of many opportunities to create public art and regularly receive grants through the Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture, the City of Tempe and Scottsdale Public Art, as well as private sponsorships Valley wide. ASU sculpture students have been awarded numerous commissions through the inFlux and Platform competitions. They show regularly in the annual Arizona Student Sculpture Competition sponsored by the Spanish Village Sculpture Garden in Carefree, the City of Prescott Outdoor Sculpture Competition, the Pima College Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition and Galleries, and the Burning Man Festival. ASU sculpture students even created bicycle racks that have been placed in Tempe. The architectural sculpture course holds yearly competitions and commissions and has produced large-scale artworks for many communities in Arizona.
The ASU Herberger Institute School of Art sculpture program is engaged with the Phoenix community and with the national and international art community through a range of initiatives. Phoenix arts professionals collaborate with the sculpture program as exhibitors, curators, seminar guests, professional development panelists, and graduate committee members. They work with our students on exhibitions, internships, employment, commissions, competitions in places of business and through the sponsorship of local arts and industry related businesses.
The neon workshop has shown at the Mesa Arts Center Sound in the Ground events and traveling exhibitions, including the Museum for Neon Art in Los Angeles and overseas in Japan, Taiwan and the UK. Sculpture students and program graduates have participated in exchange exhibitions with the University of Iowa and the Edinburgh College of Art and are in individual and group shows too numerous to mention.