Grant Street Studios

Grant Street Studios epitomizes the idea of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Renovating a former cotton factory in downtown Phoenix, ASU School of Art has created a community for its graduate studio artists, galleries for them to showcase work among Phoenix artists, and workspaces for them to experiment and flourish.
The expansive structure showcases student artwork and outside artists in two galleries which are a part of the downtown Phoenix First and Third Fridays opening schedules. Step Gallery exhibits MFA thesis shows as well as exhibitions curated by students or ASU faculty. Northlight Gallery exhibits photographic works by both photography students and professional artists.
Experience the space
Located in the Warehouse District in downtown Phoenix, Grant Street Studios has everything that the graduate student can hope for. It houses over 60 studios for all of the School of Art MFA candidates in one location. As well as individual studio spaces, students at Grant Street have separate sculpture, wood, ceramics and photography facilities on hand for whenever inspiration strikes. Seminar areas are used for the School of Art’s Visiting Artist and Scholar Lecture Series presentations, where student artists learn from and connect with nationally known visiting artists.
Grant Street Studios is a proud member of the downtown Phoenix Warehouse District, and the two galleries at Grant Street Studios are a part of the downtown Phoenix First and Third Fridays opening schedules.

Parking is available north of Grant Street along the railroad tracks. Designated parallel parking for Northlight Gallery is on the west side of the building adjacent to the gallery entrance. Learn more about parking on campus.
School of Art virtual and audio tours
View our galleries and facilities by taking a virtual or audio tour.